Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Discrimination: Flash Movie


  1. I really like your graphics and the music in the background of your video. The music fits in well with the color scheme and the graphics. Overall, the pace is fast, but its working with the tempo of the music though, but it's hard to read when you have the text, so I would still slow it down a bit. The animations seems to be working well too. In the opening scene, the image of the flag looks a little pixelated,I would consider drawing the flag, that way it fits in with the rest of the graphics too. Also, there seems to be a lot of different typography treatments, and some of them are hard to read. For example, the University of Michigan is hard to read in that font choice. Picking one typeface and sticking to it throughout your entire video might make it more cohesive.

  2. I think you did good job with putting different visuals and transitions to your animation. The viewer is always have something to look at.
    However, I would still recommend working a little bit more on timing, because some elements (especially text) transitions too fast to capture what it is.
    And I think adding narration will help viewer understand better what's going on the screen.

  3. Graphics and music fit very well. I and I think everyone in our class had alot of trouble when i came with timing and music. So even though its alittle off. It still doesnt effect the feeling of it. I Would try next time to maybe use the pen tool in illustrator and actually do your face instead of the circle look. But at the same time this might now be the effect you were goin for. Other than that I think you did a Great job and I cant wait to see what you come up with next. :)
